How to Enjoy the Little Moments with Your Kids

Little moments can be hard to acknowledge.

Today might feel like any other day of the week. Ordinary. Normal. Nothing special. But to your kids? These are the days they will remember! This isn’t to put extra pressure on you. In fact, it’s precisely the opposite of that. 

Keep doing the little things in your life, and stop stressing out so hard that you’re not doing the “big” things! Take a minute while you’re at the park with them and enjoy that they’re still tiny enough to push on the swings. 

Splash water on your skin. Push your face towards the sun! Feel the rush of the beauty in this life in the simple moments, and then give yourself permission to recognize what a gift each moment is. Especially with your kids. 

Many times, we moms feel guilt for not doing all the “big” things to create memories for our kids in their childhood. But I want to remind you that while those things are fun and are exciting, our kids just really want our time. When they’re little, they don’t really care where they are or what they’re doing (for the most part – I’m still keeping this real, here!); they just want to be with you

As they grow up, us moms will yearn for their time! It’s a weird paradox that we literally cannot stop. So, soak in all the little moments that we get because, at the end of the day, it really just is about 





Truly, these things are the greatest form of currency ever to exist. If you can create these things in your life with your families, you’ll be the richest of all!

You got this! I’m rooting for you to find and enjoy the little moments.



PS: Do you have hair? Click HERE to learn how to get gorgeous hair at any length!


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